Where business and spirituality meet


Her latest book: Future Vision


Future Vision is that guidebook and Anne Jirsch is your guide.  I have been in the presence of world leaders, media moguls, A-list artists, and futurists, but no single person has given me more guidance on the practical steps needed to take in the moment that led to my desired outcome in the future than Anne Jirsch.  You have the guidebook and one of the universe’s best guides, go make what you see in your mind.  Now.


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Chris Barez-Brown –  entrepreneur. And author of Wake Up.’

if this book doesn’t inspire you….  Give up now..


Peter Dunne – Owner Electric Media, Author of ‘The 50 Things.’

Anne Jirsch has written a book for the future: how to live in the future, how to work in the future, and how to adapt now so that you can get there safely.  It’s a handbook for the 21st century, a guide for stimulating your inner genius while travelling the information superhighway.  Very relatable, very readable, and totally useful.


Giulia Buttery – Business & Government Strategist

What I really liked about Anne’s latest book is the powerful blend of hard scientific facts, case studies and fun practical exercises to experiment with and give you deep insights into what your future holds.  Never has a time in history been both so exciting and uncertain, so the tools in this book are essential in your business and personal lives.


Sacha Gervasi film director, screenwriter

The world is changing fast. If you want to get a jump on future developments, Anne’s incredible book will be of great value to you in helping to navigate, with some confidence, our increasingly turbulent times.



Dale Masters CEO Filmhub Los Angeles, CA

Anne’s latest book is priceless. The techniques that she shares to handle life’s tricky situations, are worth more than your neighbour’s house.


Jon Cody Founder & CEO at award winning TV4 Entertainment, Inc. Former SVP of Digital Media at Fox Network Groups.

What if I were to tell you that there is a guidebook that helps you chart your path to your optimal future?  And that in this guidebook you will find the tools to become more intuitive, thoughtful, connected, creative, and in tune with yourself, your surroundings, and your associates, while becoming less frantic, stressed, and reactionary.  And that with this guidebook comes a guide that connects your present self not only to your ancestors, but to your future enlightened self.

Future Vision is that guidebook and Anne Jirsch is your guide.  I have been in the presence of world leaders, media moguls, A-list artists, and futurists, but no single person has given me more guidance on the practical steps needed to take in the moment that led to my desired outcome in the future than Anne Jirsch.  You have the guidebook and one of the universe’s best guides, go make what you see in your mind.  Now.


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