Where business and spirituality meet


‘The future belongs to the visionaries,’ Anne Jirsch

 The business world is changing fast. I watch people panicking. They are overwhelmed, reactionary and not in control. This results in bad and costly mistakes. They miss the opportunities.

“Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them.”

Albert Einstein

With FVT we take you beyond your current mindset; beyond any fears and limitations to the future with many possibilities.

Think back to a time when you experienced great change. Maybe you were unsure which direction to take. Now think about how you found your way forward; perhaps trial and error or the odd mistake, maybe an ‘aha’ moment.

Now imagine if you’d been able to Zoom forward in time to the solution; beyond your current emotions and mindset. How cool would that be? We can do that and so much more.

Today we need a new way of seeing. It takes a future visionary to see what the customer wants before it exists; think Uber, Air B&B or I-phone.

Today the most powerful business leaders are visionary. They focus on the future and then work backwards.  While most business people are reacting to a changing world they are already in the future.

Anne Jirsch has developed a number of techniques to enable you to glimpse not only the future but various futures for yourself, your employees and for your company and to find the absolute best option.

One thing is for sure; a great deal will happen in the next ten years. Your industry (no matter what it is) will have many changes. Will you evolve and be ahead of the game?

Allow us to help you discover the future.

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